The technique I use in this job is monotype,an imprint that comes from printing on paper a composition, which is notengraved but painted. The monotype includes thecreate an image on a flat surface and print it. Monotypes express the concept of liquidity that is capturedand in print. I was particularly concerned with the concept of the fleeting and the imprintof the moment. Inspired by Japanese painting and the artistHidetoshi Mito, I depict the change in the world of flowers.I choose the flowers, which by their nature are ephemeral. Notremain stable over time, it is a transparent material thatconstantly changing. For this reason I chose the technique of monotypebecause it conveys the sense of the moment through the fluid forms.
How long does it take Spring do you think? as long as you can stand it
Cowardly spring Last drop Do not give up!
I'm burning again ,I am left to art, The ashes are shining
30 colored haiku

30 colored haiku
